Mariapolis 2022
Due to ongoing COVID concerns and other details, the July 2022 Midwest Mariapolis at Lindenwood Retreat Center has been canceled.
Details for summer gatherings will be posted on this website as they become available.
What is a Mariapolis?
Mariapolis literally means ‘City of Mary’. We gather to bring Jesus to the world, as Mary did. We learn, share, practice the art of loving to nourish our souls and take a break from the hustle and bustle of life.
Adults have morning talks, going deeper into the spirituality of the Focolare, with sharing of experiences. Children receive the same content appropriate to their age group, while getting to know each other (with Jesus in their midst) and practice the art of loving.
The afternoon hopes to be more casual, with talks/workshops and other activities for the adults and, new this year, experiences on art, nature and the environment for the young or young at heart, guided by the leaders at Lindenwood.
With Jesus in our Midst, the Mariapolis becomes a ‘paradise on earth’!
See for more details about Mariapolises held around the country.
Who attends?
Anyone can attend! There are programs for people of all ages including infants, children, and young adults.
How do I see pictures and samples from previous Mariapolises?
This website contains many pictures and video from past Midwest Mariapolises. Please contact us for the password.
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